
At Huncote Primary School we believe it is important for all of our pupils to learn from and about the variety of religions around them. The aim of Religious Education here at Huncote is to enable children to acquire and develop their knowledge of religion, help them to understand what this means for them and what impact that has then on their own lives. We teach Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain today with the belief that this will give pupils the ability to make informed and educated judgments about religious and moral issues, shaping pupils’ lives and behaviour.

Like all curriculum subjects, RE is taught from Reception to Year 6 and promotes social awareness and understanding for our children. Children are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.

British Values and our own key values are promoted ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizen. Our curriculum is designed to encourage creativity, curiosity, respect, perseverance, resilience, ambition and confidence. 


At Huncote Primary School we use the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2021-2026), developed by the Diocese of Leicester Board of education. The syllabus is a spiral curriculum allowing for children to delve deeper into specific religions, embed learning and allow children to make connections and comparisons to their own lives and beliefs.  

Using the Agreed Syllabus and our knowledge of our community, we have decided that the following religions will be taught across school.

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Humanism

The Agreed Syllabus states that children are required to study in depth the religious traditions of the following groups:

Reception: encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it.

Key Stage 1: Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Key Stage 2: Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Humanism.

A consideration of other religions and non-religious world views can occur at any key stage, as appropriate. There are no presumptions made of a child’s or staff members religious backgrounds, beliefs or values and all religious values are valued. We believe this helps children to make sense of and make connections with religion.


Pupils at Huncote enjoy learning about other religions and why people choose or choose not to follow a religion. Through their learning children are able to make sense of a range of religions, understand the impact and make connections for themselves. This in turn is allowing children to leave primary school being well equipped to understand and value the lives and beliefs of others.

Religious Education Progression and Vocabulary