Here at Huncote Primary School, pupil voice means staff have a commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of the children who attend our school. We value what our children tell us about their experiences and we endeavour to make improvements as they see fit.
Our pupils have a range of opportunities to be involved in leading change and being positive role models in our school. All children are provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes for our school. At Huncote we pride ourselves in having created a safe and secure environment for pupils to be able to be honest with their views and express their feelings about what happens at school. Our pupils say, “We know that we’re listened too and that what we have to say is valued and something will be done about it.”
School Councilors
Two pupils from years 1 to 6 are voted for by their classmates to become their School Council members for the year. Children have to put themselves forward with a compelling statement of how they will support their classmates if elected before a democratic vote is held in each class. School Council meet regularly with Mrs Houghton, working together to feed forward the changes their classmates want in our school and our community. They have to see the wider picture and understand that not everything is possible immediately. These future leaders are well respected within school and are looked up to by their peers.

School Ambassadors
Our School Ambassadors have been carefully selected by Mr Murphy and Mrs Cumberlidge. They have a range of responsibilities, some of which include, getting the hall ready for assemblies, presenting prizes, awards and certificates and they work together to run our whole school sharing assemblies and end of term assemblies. Our School Ambassadors are a shining example to our whole school community. Throughout their Huncote journey, every child aspires to be a School Ambassador in Year 6!

Well-being Ambassadors
These pupils were selected by their classmates and alongside Mrs Houghton, have completed training delivered by South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership (SLSSP) in order to become full fledged well-being ambassadors. They meet as a team with Mrs Houghton to drive change in school, improving the well-being of their teachers and their peers. Their personalities and caring natures make them approachable even to our youngest children in school and they are always there to listen.

Sporting Ambassadors
Our sporting ambassadors rally up interest in sports throughout school. They champion our school ethos, Team Huncote and encourage ALL children in the school to take part in sporting events. They will then conduct mini interviews with the sports teams after their tournaments or matches, sometimes in assemblies, and write this up for our school newsletter.