Defining Mental Health and Well-being

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Promoting children’s well-being is a key part of keeping them safe and is everyone’s responsibility. We recognise that children who have their mental health and well-being promoted, are better equiped to be successful in school because:

  • mental health and emotional well-being are promoted with appropriate information and support is provided.
  • there is a shared understanding of mental health.
  • those with mental health concerns or queries are enabled to self-disclose and seek support in a safe manner.
  • guidance and strategies are used to support children and staff to be mentally healthy.
  • a supportive culture is created to maintain positive mental health and well-being.

Well-being Ambassadors

This academic year we have worked in partnership with LSLSSP to help children settle back into school. Our four well-being ambassadors work closely with Mrs Houghton to promote health and well-being in school. The training has equipped our school and we are on the journey of promoting an open dialogue and to reduce the stigma attached to mental health.

A part of everyday life

At Huncote we recognise that our community have had two years of disruption and hardship due to the global pandemic. Therefore it has been paramount that we weave promoting a positive culture for mental health and well-being into everyday life. Living a positive and healthy lifestyle is encouraged through our PSHE programme Jigsaw, assemblies, our school values, PE, computing and internet safety.

If you have any concerns, worries or questions about your child’s mental health or well-being, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance or speak to Mrs Cumberlidge, Mrs Houghton or Miss Down (SENCo). 

Self care and tips for parents and families.

NHS – Leicestershire and Rutland Services


Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

LSLSSP Podcasts for Parents:

September – Returning to School

October – Eating Habits

November – Anxiety

December – Internet Safety

January – Depression

February – Body Image

March – Confidence

April – Physical Activity