Our Global Curriculum is designed to widen pupils’ horizons, develop their cultural capital and link learning together based around the world in which we live. We give them an identity; educate them about how past events have influenced the world in which we live in today and how we can influence the world of tomorrow.
We believe that every child has the potential to do amazing things and we create confident learners. At Huncote we have the whole child in mind where teachers take a creative and connected approach stimulating children to develop a life-long love of learning. Our curriculum develops individuals as well as preparing them academically, culturally, socially and emotionally for the challenges they will face in an ever-changing world.
Reading will always be at the heart of our curriculum. We believe that ‘learning to read’ is a magical experience that allows children to then ‘read to learn’, which in turn opens the doors to endless possibilities and a life-long ‘love of learning’. We teach phonics through the scheme ‘Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds’ and we have linked this with fully decodable phonetic books for our youngest readers from Collins Big Cat publishers. Our Reading curriculum when children are fluent readers is taught through rich, challenging texts.
Underpinning our curriculum are key learning dispositions from our aims and our Route to Resilience work. We promote these values through the curriculum in the classroom and in assemblies to unlock the potential of every child:
- A love for learning – curiosity and creativity
- Aim high in all we do – ambition and confidence
- Learn from mistakes and have the resilience to overcome difficulties
- Grow respect for everyone and the world around us
- Never give up, always persevere

At Huncote Primary School children in Foundation Stage follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and children in KS1 and KS2 follow the National Curriculum. Our teachers bring learning alive by making links between the individual subjects and applying them to topics. We base our curriculum around Countries and Places in the World and pose questions within each topic. Each term staff ask an overarching question/s which is the driver to the children’s learning and helps them have a say in what they learn. The curriculum overview shows the links between different curriculum subjects and how they can be linked by the overarching topic. Whilst some subjects have skills that have to be taught standalone, there are plenty of opportunities to learn in and outside of the classroom.
Curriculum information is shared with parents knowledge organisers which include the overarching topic question/s, prior knowledge, key dates and new knowledge, vocabulary and any important people the children the children will be learning about in this topic. Vocabulary is an important part of our learning as we want to inspire our children to be ambitious and articulate.
Outside school
We enjoy strong links with local schools (primary and secondary), community groups and local businesses. We also enjoy going on residential trips and school outings. Our adventures have included visits to The Cosby Victory Show, The Space Centre, The Warning Zone, a Hindu Temple, Tamworth Castle, Coventry Transport Museum, Leicester Botanical Gardens, Stonehurst farm, Twycross Zoo and Birdland. We also enrich the curriculum with visitors and special days; a Yorkshire Day, a Viking Visitor, a visit from a Scientist who works in Antarctica.
The Year 5 & 6 children visit Condover (JCA) near Shrewsbury for a week’s residential and the Year 2 children visit Beaumanor Hall for a 2 day residential. We are looking to expand our Year 3 & 4 visits with a residential as well.
Sporting events are a big part of our school and we have enjoyed many successes in the past year alongside performing our arts side of the curriculum in school productions, carol concerts and showing off our musical talents in singing and guitar playing.
School and home
In our school teachers work hard to develop a partnership with all parents to work together to support each child’s learning. We believe in letting parents and carers know what and how we are learning. We encourage two-way dialogue between school and home and support this through Parents’ Evenings, curriculum information evenings, ‘learning diaries’ such as Reading Records and open invitations to our assemblies. We also believe that homework can help reinforce what we learn at school. Homework like times tables, reading and spellings are kept to an appropriate level according to the child. Creative homework is part of our curriculum newsletters for parents and enhances our learning in the classroom whilst providing opportunities to involve parents in their child’s learning. It gives children a choice of homework to complete by giving often very open tasks so that they can become as involved as they want to in a way that they feel most comfortable.
- Key knowledge and vocabulary will be committed to long term memory.
- Our pupils will develop a sense of wonder about the world around them.
- Our assessments will show outstanding progress across the curriculum.
- Our pupils will develop a love of learning at Huncote.
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EYFS_framework_-_March_2021 | DownloadPreview | |
2014 National Curriculum | DownloadPreview |
If you wish to find out more about our curriculum please contact Mrs Houghton Deputy Head or Mrs Cumberlidge Head teacher.