Welcome to Year 2. Here you will find information about our days with some ideas of activities you could do at home.
Times Table Rockstars
To help support the children with their times tables, all children have a log-in to Times Table Rockstars. The aim is that this activity helps to support the recall of their multiplication facts and builds up their speed too. Who will be the leader of Times Table Rockstars in Birch class?
Things to Remember
- Please label everything.
- Your child will be responsible for their own belongings.
- A water bottle everyday.
- A book bag everyday.
- Please let us know who your child will be going home with each day.
- A smile.
Our PE Days
Our PE days will be Monday afternoon with our sports coach and Friday. Please ensure that children come to school on those days with the correct PE kit on. If your child has their ears pierced, please remove the earrings or provide tape if they can’t be removed on these days.
Homework Ideas
- Creative homework ideas can be found on our class newsletter.
- Children are expected to read with an adult at home at least three times per week. Please ensure diaries are signed.
- The children will be learning their times tables and number facts throughout the year and might like to try the game ‘Hit the Button’ www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button.
- Don’t forget to visit Purple Mash for times table games/songs.